Pattern-based Graph Summarization

报告题目:Pattern-based Graph Summarization

报告人:宋骐 中国科学技术大学教授、博导

报告时间202492715:30 - 17:00





Qi Song is a (pre-tenure) professor at University of Science and Technology of China. Before joining USTC, he was an Applied Scientist at He obtained his Ph.D. from the Database Group at Washington State University under the supervision of Prof. Yinghui Wu. His research spans the areas of Big Data, databases systems and data management, with emphasis on dynamic graphs, knowledge graph, graph query models, distributed graph processing, graph neural network and multi-model learning.


Given a set of node groups in a graph (e.g., gender or race groups), how to succinctly summarize their neighbors, and meanwhile ensure a “fair” representation to mitigate under- or over-representation of a certain group? We propose a novel framework to compute concise summaries of node groups with fairness guarantees. 1) We introduce a class of reduced summaries and study a diversified graph summarization problem, along with a new parallel algorithm with quality guarantees, 2) we formulate the fair group summarization problem and present approximation algorithms that can generate r-summaries with (a) guaranteed quality and coverage properties, and (b) relative approximations on optimal edge correction costs.